We had the last challenge of the MITIM program yesterday and the day before. We had the public defense, where we needed to present our theses and answer to any questions that the committee had. The committee consisted of several professors from GSOM and from an other university from St.Petersburg, professors and the dean from LUT and two company representatives (Technopolis Lappeenranta and a small consulting company). As the defense was a public one, there was also some quests.
My turn to defend my thesis was on Tuesday at three. I have never before been so nervous about presenting. But as I started my presentation, most of the nervousness changed to excitement and the presentation went really well. As the committee started to ask questions, my heart started to beat like hell again. Fortunately the questions were rather easy for me to answer and there were not many questions. I got really good feedback too. Overall, I'm very satisfied with my grade (although, we still need to wait until Monday when we'll get the final grades).
It's done now, we're Masters :D
LUT MITIMs + few GSOM MITIMs after the defense. Picture by Liisa-Maija Sainio.