It´s been busy, not just with school but trying to find internship. I have applied only to those companies/organisations where I really want to work and I could build my future career. But so far, I have had only one interview. Well, I haven´t lost my positive thinking here yet, there´s still time.
At school, we have thousands of group works again. There are Strategic Management of Growth where we need to write approximately 10 pages report about the growth of one company, International Financial Management where we are writing about eBay (minimum 10 pages) and Consulting Project which we are doing for the local icehockey team SaiPa. I´m really excited about that project because it is really interesting and we have totally the best group to do that.
What else... Yes, Quantitative Business Research where we should read research proposals and judge them (and write few pages), Russian studies are still going on and we have exams in the end of this month about International Financial Management and Supply and Innovation Management plus we have the deadlines for most of the reports somewhere there... Then starts the courses of Economics of Innovation and International High Technology Marketing. And I should start to build ideas about the topic of my Master´s Thesis. You can see that it´s a double degree I´m working on.
So, I´m sitting in the student flat in Lappeenranta at the moment, looking outside amazed how beautiful sunny weather there is. And going back to work...